Because it’s mean. That’s why.

This video is worth the watch.  Even if you don’t have kids who have special needs…in this  culture that is so hard and so harsh, we need to remember this.  We need to take a stand for what is right and against what is wrong.  I have issues with this term.  I have kids who have special needs, say what you will about the term. I have kids who fall ALL the way up and down any spectrum you wanna hand out.  That’s the beauty of  having a big old family.

But, the hard truth is that our culture is changing for the worse on many fronts and it’s hidden in bling and lightening fast flash.  And our sordid facebook/kardashian cultural decline is impacting a wider swath of our children than we realize.   My own Cyber/Facebook screed coming at a later date…..meantime, watch this, watch the whole thing.  And brava to this young girl for taking a stand and for eloquently making a difference.

Take a look, you’ll be glad  you did:

h/t to Love that Max