>One of the Heroes

Notes from Addis:

“My Hero”: Solomon.

Solomon is (was) our driver. He carts us around, patiently, in a red toyota van. He has been trying to woo Tariku since we met….and he is winning. Tariku now reaches for him and plays with him. Solomon will help cheer Tariku if he is cranky. Solomon will ignore us if we are cranky.

He patiently answers our surely stupid questions that are the same ones he’s been asked hundreds of times before. He is a whiz driver, expertly maneuvering between trucks and buses and cows, coming within inches of all, and squeezing by. Even with the careening traffic in Addis, Solomon stops to let any person who might need a bit more time across the road – he hangs out the window and tells them something akin to “Hey, it’s ok, go now, I’ll wait for you.” He has done this with elderly, lame, blind.

He is such a gentleman. My husband and big kids left for a few days in Egypt, and I am alone with Tariku here for three days and nights. He has been like a big brother taking care of me {even as I am quite a bit older than him}. He has helped me find a bathroom where none would be found and waited a short distance away to escort me safely back. Last night, as we returned from a late dinner, he dropped off the Lake family. As I started to get out of the van to head to our guest house, Solomon blocked the door. I said “Solomon, the house is right there! We can walk!” And he laughed and said, “Oh no, it’s dark” and slammed the door shut and drove me the thirty yards to our gate. Today he earned my undying devotion: he stopped and bought me a coke, wouldn’t let me pay, just because I had asked about Coke’s in the market. That coke was much needed as I was flagging in the afternoon….and it tasted so extra good. So I told him, “Solomon, you are my hero today! Thank you!!”

Anyone who travels and is lucky enough to find Solomon as their driver: be very happy and tell him we all send our best!



We are home!!! I am waiting for my son to upload his pics onto my computer so no pics yet. But I’ll post a few things I wrote waiting for my family to return from their side trip to Egypt…and yes, I’ll post pics of that too, cause it’s my blog and about the whole family…..and explain the wild path that led them to the land of pyramids….

BUT, for now, We are home! We are so happy and grateful to be home, safe and sound. The journey took us over 30 hours of travel. It’s a long trip. But it’s worth every moment to bring home this wonderful sweet baby boy. He is a joy. He is doing great and better than I had thought he would on entry. We are all a little wonked out on our body clocks but otherwise it is just great to be home, all together again!!!
This pic is arrival on American soil, post 17 hours on the plane (so yes, that explains so much! ahem…travel is only elegant and glamorous in Ralph Lauren ads).